Much of the European press reports (as uncontestable fact) that fear of being branded "non-patriotic" for daring to disagree with George W. Bush is pervasive in the United States, to the point that it inhibits people's actions. To most anyone (that I know) who actually lives here, that notion is patently absurd. I live near Seattle and won't claim to speak for the entire country, but friends and family in other major urban centers report pretty much the same thing.
The truth is that dissenters here feel far more free to proclaim their views than those who support Bush and/or the war. For example, this truck:
Is regularly parked outside the building I work in or the local Home Depot, and never has a problem. Meanwhile, cars with discrete "W '04" bumper stickers are scratched or otherwise damaged with monotonous regularity.
To see true intimidation, violence, and suppression of free speech in this area, you have to attend an anti-war, anti-globalization, or pro-intifada rally and watch what happens to those who dare to disagree.