Friday, October 29, 2004

Slate wants you... commit a felony. Slate's article about voting twice is subtitled "A sudden crackdown on an old trick" but if you read it all the way through, the author (Bill Gifford) comes to the conclusion that the so-called crackdown isn't very effective:
For all the new concern about double voting, though, the odds of getting caught remain minuscule. Comparing voter databases county by county and state by state is a needle-in-haystack undertaking, even with the aid of computers. Why not vote twice then? Michael Moore probably shouldn't do it. But you probably could.

Just don't tell any reporters.

"Why not vote twice then?"?!

I may be old-fashioned, but when the question is "Should I do something that is uncivil, unethical and a felony?" my answer doesn't hinge on whether or not I'm likely to get caught.